Mild diarrhea can be treated rather quickly with some precautions and simple treatments. However, some other forms of diarrhea such as acute diarrhea can occur as a result of other dangerous sicknesses like cancer. If your dog health is affected by diarrhea then you must ensure that your dog doesn’t become dehydrated and nutrient levels in the body are restored as quickly as possible.
Dog diarrhea often spells a time of trouble for the canine. Moreover, the several varying reasons of this condition can flummox even the most experienced of vets, while overwhelming any dog owner. A pet health scare, diarrhea and vomiting, usually are pretty harmless and your dog can be nursed back to health within a couple of days. Nevertheless, it’s always in the best interest of your dog to visit a veterinarian just to ensure it’s not serious in nature.
To anyone who has experienced or heard about diarrhea, it conjures an image of water-like stool. Actually, diarrhea is much more than just watery stool. If your pet is passing abnormal stool (stool that is softer than usual) or if he has to strain himself to defecate, or only passes gas, or the stool is soft-formed, or has abnormal color or obnoxious odor, the pet health has been affected by diarrhea.
Our furry friends often eat items that are found lying around or scavenge for food. Dogs are omnivorous animals and eat just about anything whether digestible or not. Such bad eating habits lead to diarrhea. So, it can be safely said that the most common cause of diarrhea is food intolerance or food poisoning, in other words – upset stomach. When a dog eats unfamiliar items that are alien to his normal tastes, his body in an act of rejection pushes the food out of the system in the form of vomit or diarrhea, leaving the pooch terribly sick. In order words, diarrhea is an attempt of the dog’s body to heal itself by removing unwanted or harmful toxins.
Dog owners should understand that diarrhea is a sign of health in their dog and should not be considered a disease. In case of diarrhea, your dog health can be restored by home treatment and doesn’t really call for a visit to the vet. That being said, diarrhea can cause damage to the pet health in case the dog becomes:
F Very Sick
F Lethargic
F Has Bloat Or Abdominal Pain
F Is Feverish (Rectal Temperatures Over 103.5 Degrees F)
F Is Dehydrated
F Vomits Persistently
F Passes A Lot Of Blood During Stool
About the Author: If you need further information on dog health including dog diarrhea visit our online resource centre. We also have a great section of pet health articles for cats and horses.
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