Monday, May 9, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011

My house was broken into last night by two robbers who locked me in the bathroom, and proceeded to steal all they could carry. My watchdog, "Killer", did not alert me, and for this reason I am giving him away. I no longer want a dog - I´m installing an electric fence and detection devices with alarms. They´re cheaper and more reliable. For those interested in adopting the dog please send an e-mail urgently.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Twelve Helpful Hints to Avoid Your Child Being Attacked by a Dog
Author: James ParrishVictims who are bitten or attacked by dogs or other animals can experience a great deal physical and mental stress and injury. This holds particularly true for kids and those employed as parcel shipping and postal service letter carriers throughout the United States. On an average day, up to 10 letter carriers suffer from dog related injuries. Nationwide, more than 4.0 million people suffer from dog related injuries each year and of those, children are the most commonly victimized. The next largest groups of those bitten are the elderly and postal service letter carriers. Each such class represents a disproportionately large cluster of citizens who are victimized by dog attacks and bites. The very large number of dog bite-type injuries has become one of the most commonly reported public safety concerns in modern day America.
If you're not a letter carrier or the parent of a child, you may be wondering how this issue affects you. Dog bite awareness is important to everyone in the general public and especially to dog owners because each year municipalities are enacting stronger laws assuming greater liabilities designed to penalize owners who cannot manage their dogs responsibly. Even if you are the owner of a family pet and believe strongly that your dog could never harm anyone, experts suggest the psychological relationship between letter carriers and the dogs that bite and attack them is in fact deeply rooted. Dogs frequently believe they are successfully protecting their homes and owners by exhibiting aggressive tendencies towards delivery personnel, who leave the dog's property after being confronted with such behavior. Over time, dogs establish dominance of and experience increased confidence with persons viewed as intruders on their property. But if that dog gets loose, there's a good chance it may attack and injure someone.
Dog ownership carries a number of responsibilities and potential liabilities for actions of and injuries caused the animal; especially in neighborhoods where an owner knows that children may be present and certainly that letter carriers travel by foot daily. Dog owners have a responsibility to their community to do everything in their power to ensure that their pets are properly socialized and if any aggressive behavior is shown by the animal, it is essential that the dog is safely and securely maintained. An owner should never allow their dog to be presented with a new situation where it is unclear how the animal will react. It is in these situations where even one moment of carelessness may cause life-threatening injuries to children and liability to others such as postmen for the victim's pain, suffering, and medical expenses.
There is a wealth of written information available for individuals to educate themselves about responsible dog ownership, including the risks associated with a dog bite on a child and other people in your neighborhood. Teach your dog appropriate behavior for every situation. For example, owners should refrain from playing aggressive games with their dogs such as wrestling and tug of war, and discourage their children from doing the same. This type of play in fact mimics a dog's natural instinct to run down prey and assert his dominance, which could lead to a serious dog attack. In order to prevent injury, it is essential that your dog recognizes family members as dominant figures whose authority should never be challenged. Sadly, many instances of dog bites in children and mailmen are preventable.
Below are some helpful tips issued by the United States Postal Service to help make your neighborhood safe for the letter carrier, yourself, and the children who live there.
Dog Bite Prevention Tips for Letter Carriers and Children:
1. Find out what time the carrier usually brings your mail.
2. When the carrier is due to visit your house, check to be sure your dog is inside. Keep the dog inside until the letter carrier is gone.
3. If someone needs to open the door to sign for a letter, first put the dog in another room and close the door securely.
4. If you have a mail slot, keep your dog away from it so the carrier's fingers don't get bitten.
5. If your mailbox is inside your fenced yard and so is your dog, keep the dog on a reinforced leash that is away from the mailbox during the time your letter carrier delivers the mail.
6. When you and your dog are outside, never walk up to the postman and ask for your mail. Your dog may think you are being threatened and attack or bite.
7. Report dogs running at large to your local authorities as soon as possible. If you are a child, tell your parents and don't follow after the animal in any circumstance.
8. Never, ever approach a strange dog that you don't know. Remember: if there is no owner, than there is no petting. When you approach a dog with its owner, make sure it is on a leash. In that case, never reach your hand out to pet the animal until after asking the owner's permission (and if you are a child, your parents' permission as well) to let the dog sniff you first, and then allow you to pet him.
9. If a strange dog comes near you, stand like a tree, or if you are on the ground, curl up your legs, cup your hands over your ears and lay still like a rock!
10. Never run away from a dog that is chasing you. Instead, stop and stand still with your arms at your sides, try to be very calm and quiet, do not scream or make any loud noises, and walk away very slowly while facing the dog, but never looking at it directly in the eyes. Children especially must learn that they should not stare at a dog in his eyes.
11. Don't ever go near a dog that is in a car, behind a fence, or tied up — even if you know him.
12. Finally, teach your children that all dogs may bite, even your own dog; and that dog bites can be very dangerous and sometimes even deadly to children.
We certainly hope this information helps children and others avoid being bitten and teaches dog owners some easy strategies for safe handling of their pets.
Article Source:
About the Author Jim Parrish is Virginia lawyer who focuses his practice on helping people injured and damaged as result of dog bites, car crashes, motorcycle accidents and other vehicle collisions. Because he used to work for insurance companies, he knows how to keep his clients from being taken advantage of by their "traps" and "scams." Please visit his website for lots of VALUABLE and FREE information about accident claims:, April 9, 2011
4 Dog Training Tips For Dog Owners
Author: kdineFor dog owners, dog is their precious family members. In fact, they are so lovable till the point we want to hug them so badly. However, there is one issue should be a concern by every dog owners; it is their dog misbehaviors. Without a proper dog training, your dog may cause you many problems and frustrations that may be hard to overcome. When it comes to dog discipline, we, as the dog owners should not be lenient. No one is born with the knowledge to train a dog, and it is also not some kind of information that you can learn from your school. You need to learn how to teach your dog from somewhere else. Luckily, there were many dog experts or researcher who willingly do the test on every dog training method, and share with everyone. If you go to nearby bookstore at your town, you can find many dog training books. So, if you really want to train your dog, at least read one of those dog training books before you do so. A wrong method can make your dog acting more aggressively and problematic. Here are some of tips/information that you need to know before you train your dog. 1) First of all, you need to establish your position as the boss or leader to your dog. This is a must when it comes to training. Of course, it is does not means that you need to be strict or harsh to your dog. If the dogs understand its position and you are the one who in charge, it will become more docile. 2) Consistent. Always remember to be consistent when you train your dog. If the dog is not allowed to sit on your sofa, making an exception will only confuse your dog further as it will believe that it is the 50-50 chance of getting scolded when it sits on the sofa. In its point of view, it will hope for the best result. 3) Dog training should be a calm and happy experience. So, acting aggressive will only encourage your dog to respond with more aggression. It is because he thinks this is the best way to please you by emulating your action. 4) Plan a schedule for your dog. If your dogs are so used to pee on your car park in the evening, then make you let your dog out to the car park when the time comes. If your dog wants to pee, he will pee. If it is unable to make it out its desirable location, he will pee in your house. It can be very hard on your dog if you are blaming him for making this mistake that caused by you for not letting it out on time. Teaching your dog needs a lot of patience and dedication. The reward for all troubles are extremely rewarding, if you are successfully eliminated your dog misbehaviors. No more headache or frustration that will be caused by your dog in your house when you didn't pay attention to it.

Article Source:
About the AuthorIf you want to learn more advanced training method for your dog, then you should get the">Secrets to dog training guidebook. For complete review about this dog training guide, please visit this link: